Using Time to Manifest Easier: Time is on your Side

Choosing a new relationship with time will change your life.

When you recognize that what you emit is reflected back to you in time, you emit differently. You emit only that which you desire to receive.

When we recognize that everything exists all at once (which you are able to experience through meditative exploration) suddenly, past, present, and future are not a line. We see that these scenes are still occurring somewhere, and that infinite iterations of these scenes exist. Ones in which the only slight difference may the shade of brown that someone’s hair is, or as different as someone being alive or dead.

Being in a victim mentality/codependent relationship with time sounds like “I am always running out of time” “I am never on time” “I am always late” “I can never get anywhere on time” - when you repeat these things, this is what your perception is, your assumptions are, and therefore it is what you get more of. That’s manifestation, babes.

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Episode 28: Tantra! with Kat Fleming

R: How do we use utilize Tantra to move energy in our bodies?

K: So Tantra is... I love that you phrased the question like that, because a lot of times when people ask me what Tantra is, the first thing I say is that it’s energy work. It’s moving through the body, it’s feeling the energy that moves through the body, and knowing that this energy is shared and connected with everything around you. There’s various ways of moving energy.

So, let's see, some of the fundamental ways are making sounds, making movements, using touch, and using meditation and visualizations.

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Allowing Abundance

You have practiced a vibration of lack for a long time. Your parents practiced it. And their parents. When you feel a lack in some area, that’s when the neediness sets in. If you feel like you NEED something, you are telling the universe you don’t have it.

Soothe yourself to the point that you allow for different thoughts to occur. You don’t have to stop having thoughts about lack. You’re going to have them. They’re pretty compelling. They’ve had a lot of support for them over the years. They will come up. But now, you will also be increasing your focus towards thoughts of abundance…

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Listening to Your Body to Trust Your Mind

One way I have noticed how to know when a choice is right is that there is very little rationalizing with yourself. If I have to ask myself the same question more than once it may be because you may not know why you got the answer that you did, trying to re-ask yourself tell the answer change . Building inner trust is a must because only you know what is right for you.

There are many ways to cultivate your inner trust. Here is an exercise utilizing your body language to clarify your feelings;

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Worthiness and Love

We are all equally deserving of love. Perhaps when you were younger you learned something that made you feel unworthy of receiving love. Perhaps you were taught that you had to earn it, or that you had to do enough to be worthy of getting love from people. That you had to “do enough” in order to deserve to be loved and to love yourself. Maybe someone taught you that you need to constantly be doing something and that relaxing is lazy. Maybe you've been taught all sorts of weird things. 

But it's okay. 

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Rewriting your Story through EFT Tapping

EFT, or “emotional freedom technique” is a self-administered therapeutic treatment that stimulates the meridian points along the body, combining tapping the points with verbal processing of triggers and the introduction of affirmations to build new neural networks. This method soothes the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the endocrine system, and the immune system. It has been shown to be effective in treatment of wellness issues including anxiety, depression, PTSD, chronic pain, and so much more. EFT works by treating the body and mind together, allowing for the release of emotions and stress from the body, and stimulating the rewiring of neural pathways.

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Embody Yourself

To embody all that you are is to step fully into your power and move throughout life with solid authenticity. To fully embody ourselves, we must first know who we are. Think of the most divine version of yourself. The version of you that maybe you don't feel quite aligned with yet.What does this version feel? How does this version think? How does this version act?

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