Listening to Your Body to Trust Your Mind

I have a question for you;

If you wrote a list of who you trust, are you on your own list? 

Trusting yourself is so pivotal in trusting choices or trusting others. So, how can you build more trust in your choices, in your actions, and in yourself? Is it for your highest good? 

One way I have noticed how to know when a choice is right is that there is very little rationalizing with yourself. If I have to ask myself the same question more than once it may be because you may not know why you got the answer that you did, trying to re-ask yourself tell the answer change . Building inner trust is a must because only you know what is right for you.

There are many ways to cultivate your inner trust. Here is an exercise utilizing your body language to clarify your feelings;

Over the course of a day, when you ask yourself if a choice is for your highest good, be aware of how each choice you make feels. How does each choice feel in your body and in your emotions? Is it uplifting? Is it heavy? Does it pull you, does it push you? Is it good for you? Does it feel like a yes or a no?

Does your “yes” pull your body forward, as if someone is gently pulling you by your heart, or a feeling of calm, a big smile, or a nod?

Does “no” push your body back, as if someone is pushing your heart away from the idea or item, or maybe you physically shake your head “no”?

Be mindful of the subtle shifts of what yes and what no feel like to you. Then throughout the day, pay attention to what your body is telling you with your responses.

Trust yourself; you are the flow of divine energy in motion, you are always in the right place at the right time. 

Lots of love, Max Loveweaver