Worthiness and Love
Hello my beautiful friends.
Today we are talking about worthiness.
We are all equally deserving of love. Perhaps when you were younger you learned something that made you feel unworthy of receiving love. Perhaps you were taught that you had to earn it, or that you had to do enough to be worthy of getting love from people. That you had to “do enough” in order to deserve to be loved and to love yourself. Maybe someone taught you that you need to constantly be doing something and that relaxing is lazy. Maybe you've been taught all sorts of weird things.
But it's okay.
Those are not your stories. Those are from your parents, your grandparents, your great-grandparents. These are stories that have been passed down through your lineage and internalized. This is true on two levels; 1. They way people are taught to interact with the world by their caregivers is passed down generationally and 2.the stresses your ancestors have experienced have literally been passed through your DNA through epigenetic changes.
We are all worthy and deserving of love.
Perhaps you were taught that not everyone deserves love, and if you're believing that about other people, odds are you're believing that about parts of yourself as well. So ask yourself, what parts of you are you not loving and accepting because you think that they're not good enough and not worthy of being loved?
Go back to your earliest childhood memory of this feeling. Maybe it's just a small little thing that happened that you internalized into “I'm not worthy of receiving love because I'm not being loved by my caregivers in this way.” Maybe your parents were really strict, and from their vantage point they were keeping you safe because of events in their lives. Maybe you were neglected or abandoned. Maybe your parents were abusive. Maybe you were never hugged or told that you were loved. Maybe you watched your caregivers continually neglect their own needs and boundaries, teaching you that everyone else’s need are more important than your own. Maybe events occurred wherein your parents or caregivers love for you was shown to be conditional, so you internalized the belief that you are not worthy of being loved for 100% of who you are. Whatever your situation is or was, know that these limiting beliefs are not your own, they are not permanent, and you can chose to rewrite them.
Are you ready to release this?
Are you ready to let this go?
Are you ready to love yourself in all the areas you have been holding yourself back from?
Realize that every person is experiencing life through their own perspective. They have made the decisions and choices that made the most sense for them at the time. But no one's actions or decisions ever dictate the worth of anyone, not another, and not themselves. We are all source, spirit, energy, divine love, whatever you want to call it. At our core, there is love. Sometimes we chose unlove, maybe for many decades we choose unlove, but that fear is an illusion. Let it go, and embrace your truth. You are already whole and complete, you are already love, and you are loved by the whole universe. Embrace the knowledge that your highest good is the highest good for all. Period.
As you release limiting beliefs and practice better thoughts and feelings, your neural pathways are rewiring your brain for increased ease and success. If you want to change your experience of life, start with your internal processing. You deserve to live a life that feels good to you, and that starts with allowing yourself to feel good NOW.
To rewire your brain, journal, meditate, talk aloud, tap it out, or do something completely different. I like to utilize many methods in combination because they stimulate different areas of the brain, which rewires it more efficiently.
Loving the divine perfection that you are,