Rewriting your Story through EFT Tapping

Hello my beautiful friends!

Lets talk about tapping! EFT, or “emotional freedom technique,” is a self-administered therapeutic treatment that stimulates the meridian points along the body, combining tapping the points with verbal processing of triggers and the introduction of affirmations to build new neural networks. This method soothes the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the endocrine system, and the immune system. It has been shown to be effective in treatment of wellness issues including anxiety, depression, PTSD, chronic pain, and so much more. EFT works by treating the body and mind together, allowing for the release of emotions and stress from the body, and stimulating the rewiring of neural pathways.

EFT has been shown to be effective through over a hundred studies. It is a wonderful processing technique, and you can do it anywhere. You can do it by yourself, but if you are processing some deep, heavy emotions, the support of a practitioner might greatly benefit you. There are all sorts of videos online (I like Sophia School on Youtube) and many different methods for tapping, so feel free to explore and decide what feels best for you.

Okay, so you might be wondering “What do I do, though?” It’s quite simple.

You usually begin by answering some questions about the root concern for the session, and then you systematically tap meridian points while making statements about how you are feeling. Being honest about how you are feeling in the moment helps you move through it, rather than leaving it stuck. Sometimes in order to release a splinter, we need to know what, and where, it is.

As we process, we meet ourselves with love and acceptance and appreciation. You’ll notice your body feeling more and more relaxed. Or perhaps some very intense emotions came up and you are moving through them. Take your time. You will be healing over multiple sessions. My favorite part is the tapping in of positive affirmations. It feels so good and is soothing to the body and mind. Your mind and body believe what you tell them, so uncovering some latent patterns and releasing them, while introducing new patterns is exactly how we rewire the brain.

By all accounts, this tool is extremely effective, transformative, and beautiful. It allows us to refocus on love, dropping any stories that we might have been holding onto to separate ourselves from it. This raises our vibration, allowing us to more fully embody love. We then bring that over to the world.

Check out the World Tapping Circle, if you are interested in learning more.

I deeply love and accept myself,
