Allowing Abundance

What a topic. How are we even going to cover this?

With our best.

You have practiced a vibration of lack for a long time. Your parents practiced it. And their parents. When you feel a lack in some area, that’s when the neediness sets in. If you feel like you NEED something, you are telling the universe you don’t have it. 

Soothe yourself to the point that you allow for different thoughts to occur. You don’t have to stop having thoughts about lack. You’re going to have them. They’re pretty compelling. They’ve had a lot of support for them over the years. They will come up. But now, you will also be increasing your focus towards thoughts of abundance. So, when you realize you are focusing on what you don’t want, you can ease yourself, with your breathing, meditation, yoga, rock climbing, whatever your thing is. Focus on how much fun you are having doing this thing you love. Let yourself enjoy it. You’re already there doing the thing, bring your presence to it. 

Start introducing meditation and journaling into your life on a daily basis and see how quickly things shift for you. You’ve got the power of your attention. Use it wisely.

Journal about it.

List all of the abundance in your life. 

You are reading this. That’s abundance. 

So, you have access to a computer or phone. That’s abundance. 

You eat food and drink water on a regular basis. You have a place to sleep. A pillow. Clothes.  Abundance. Abundance. Abundance. Abundance. 

Fill up as many notebook pages as you are inspired to. Have fun and get creative with your listings. When you are done, reread it, with appreciation for all that you have.

You can also use affirmations. Repeating key phrases when linked with a sincere emotion can reprogram your neural pathways. If the emotional charge for the opposite of the affirmation is still super active, meaning you cannot believe or connect with the affirmation, don’t use that one right now. Ease into it. What is a nicer thought?

Here are some of my favorite money affirmations. Use these when you have shifted your mood and can feel and connect with these;

I am so happy and grateful for all of the abundance in my life. 

I am open to the new avenues of abundance that are in alignment with my highest good. 

Money comes to me quickly and easily.

I am abundant and I bring forth amazing things to the world.

My abundance is in alignment with the highest good.

I am so happy and grateful for my abundance. With it I am able to (insert thing here; I am able to pay people to do jobs they love, I am able to contribute to something I believe in, I am able to care for my family, etc.)

That should get you started for now. Have fun. Write your own affirmations. Record yourself speaking them. Listen to it again and again. And then, when you feel it, you will let go. And that’s where the magic happens.

Do these exercises consistently for 21 days, and see how great things get. I bet you will notice the improvement after one week.

You’ve got this.

You’re amazing.
