Using Time to Manifest Easier: Time is on your Side
If you have been growing up in this society, it is likely you were only taught about time in a linear sense. One thing after another. In Ancient Greece, that was the domain of Kronos. But there is another, I believe more compelling and useful way to conceptualize and utilize time, and that is Kairos.
Kairos is the exact moment in which a thing occurs.
When we recognize that everything exists all at once (which you are able to experience through meditative exploration) suddenly, past, present, and future are not a line. We see that these scenes are still occurring somewhere, and that infinite iterations of these scenes exist. Ones in which the only slight difference may the shade of brown that someone’s hair is, or as different as someone being alive or dead. Different countries existing, different modes of speech, etc.
We change which pasts and futures we are accessing by how we think and feel in the now moment. Our consciousness is the only thing steering us between these different versions of ourselves.
Remember the guy with multiple personalities (dissociative Identity disorder) who would switch between having cancer (as verified by scans) versus not having cancer with the personality? Your cellular configuration is directly and only effected by your state of mind. All exists in the mind, the one mind, and you funnel that into a singular perspective point as a person.
I named episode 96 “Timing is what you make it; don’t victimize yourself with a clock” to remind us to be masters of time, not victims to it.
Being in a victim mentality/codependent relationship with time sounds like “I am always running out of time” “I am never on time” “I am always late” “I can never get anywhere on time” - when you repeat these things, this is what your perception is, your assumptions are, and therefore it is what you get more of. That’s manifestation, babes.
Choosing a new relationship with time will change your life.
When you recognize that what you emit is reflected back to you in time, you emit differently. You emit only that which you desire to receive.
Here are some of empowered statements for time that I included in ep 96:
Time is always perfect for me
I emit time
I am always in the right place at the right time
The time is now
It’s happening now
I feel it now
I see it now
I am a master of time and space
Time is on my side
Time follows my orders
I make time
I make time with things I love
I have time
Now is the perfect moment for this
Everything is perfect now
Time is what I make it
Time is useful for me
I flow time
I use time
I feel good all the time now
I am receiving money all the time now
I am always receiving money
I have all the time in the world