How do I feel good? How can I feel good NOW?
If you have been saying “I want to feel better but I don’t know how” - this one is for you.
How do I feel good now?
In short answer? Biofeedback.
In long answer, use your memories of how good felt at one point, without attachment to the memory. WhAt DoEs ThAt MeAn?!?! I will tell you.
The following methods are to access the feeling of feeling good. This is how I shifted from in pain and injured to healthy and well in quantum leap several years ago. By practicing knowing the energy of “good” - ie love, happiness, joy, peace, etc, and by observing how said good feels in the body, you are able to access it much quicker and easier. You will get to the point where if you are feeling unwell, you can immediately shift to feeling good. It is amazing, and doesn’t take that long to familiarize yourself with.
Method 1: Think of a beautiful memory. Maybe it was getting an A on a test. Maybe your grandma gave you a birthday card. Maybe you sat on the grass and felt the sun warm on your skin and felt the breeze gently tickle your face just right. And you felt so happy and delightful. Have you got your memory? Great. If no memory is coming to you, skip to the second method. For those of you who have accessed the memory, breathe in, remember it, and notice how you are feeling in your body. Do you feel warmth anywhere, do you feel energy moving from heart through limbs. Observe the physical feeling, and then amplify it. How? Tell it to get stronger, to increase. You can even state “Body, intensity feeling of joy/good/happiness” - however you would describe it.
Method 2: If you cannot recall a time you felt good or happy, let’s rectify that right now. Use your connection to consciousness to ask within “Bring me the feeling of feeling good” then take in and out several breaths for a few minutes. Do not “think” for an answer. Let go of any thoughts by pretending your mind has a fist and it is holding that thought, then open the fist and let the thought go by. When you “think” for an answer, you are searching the mind. When you ask a question, you will receive an answer without having to search for it. It will come to you. Trust that it will come to you, and go on with your day. When you DO feel good, you will become aware of it, and then you can do the body observation exercise described in method 1.
When I had been injured for a very long time, I could not remember what it was like to not be in pain, so I had to imagine it. Imagine what it was like to not be feeling pain all over my body. I meditated, laid down, and observed. I adjusted how I was laying until I found the way that felt the best. Then I relaxed into my body by doing Body Relaxation Meditation after Body Relaxation Meditation. After that, I chose the memory of me body-surfing in the ocean, allowed myself to feel the water rush over my skin, feel the buoyancy of my body carried by waves. I also used memories of my friends smiling and laughing, and me smiling and laughing with them. It was wonderful. It is what inspired me to start The Joy Channel.
As always, here are some of affirmations, aka thoughts, aka spells to think/speak/invoke from "episode 97: Feel Good Now” - if you would love to hear these recited to you, check out the episode on podcast apps or YouTube.
I feel so good now
Everything is so perfect for me
Everything is miraculous and wonderful
I am feeling so good
I love feeling so good
I love feeling this good
I am feeling so perfect now
I love how I am feeling
I love how i am feeling now
I love how i feel about myself now
I love how perfect everything is for me now
I love how perfect I am now
I love how perfect everything is for me now
I am feeling so good now
I love how good I am feeling now
I am feeling better and better all the time now! I didn’t think it was possible, and yet here it is!
I love how my reality is surprising me with joys and delights
I love how life is consistently gifting me pleasure and delights
I love how my life is going right now
I love who i am being right now
I love being this version of me right now
I am my favorite version of me
I love this version of me
I love who I am now
I love all the ideas I am receiving
I enjoy taking action on the ideas I am receiving now
I am having so much fun!
Life is so much fun!
Everything is so perfect for me now!
I am miraculous and wonderful!
I am phenomenal!
I get more and more beautiful every day
I get smarter and smarter every day
My memories are better and better every day
The thoughts I receive are better and better every day
My eyesight is better and better every day
I am more and more powerful every day
I am more and more popular every day
I am more and more wise every day
I share more and more love every day