Rosemarie Frances

Welcome to Reality Creation

Change your mind. Change your life.

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Real Results, Real Transformations

Hear from people who have worked with me in past programs and/or 1 on 1 coaching.

Testimonials from past clients.

With my guidance my clients:

💰 Generate their next wealth goals - whether that be $5k or $50k months.
🪞 Transformed health, self-esteem, and body confidence. 🎻 Unlocked creative potential, writing songs, books, and expressing their true selves.
💖 Embodied deep peace, joy, and satisfaction in daily life.
👩🏿‍🤝‍👨🏽 Manifested loving, fulfilling relationships, marriages.

⚖️ Crafted business deals that benefit everyone involved.
👩🏽‍🎨 Manifested dream careers that align with their true passions.
☀️ Manifested dream vacations and relocations to ideal environments. 🔮 Expanded psychic abilities and innate intuition.

Anielle Reid

Creator of the Magic & Mediums Oracle Deck and Podcast, Creator of the Golden Light Oracle, Slavic Oracle, and Latin Love Oracle Decks

“I already knew how to manifest, but I desired accountability and to be held in my experience by a powerful creator. She guided me to manifest 5k months and 8k months in a matter of weeks. I also received my first 5k sale while working with her. It came in so easily.

She gets to the heart of the matter and helps you see things from a different perspective. I love that she always provides details on the science behind manifestation, so not only will you know that her techniques work after you try them but you will know why! 

She is incredibly knowledgeable and gifted. She is able to see how you are getting in your own way and most importantly can tell you how to get out of your own way with ease.”


Author and Artist

I hadn’t heard of manifesting but I was desperate. I thought the Law of Attraction was stupid. Then I started actively manifesting and my world shifted. When I followed Rome’s program, understood her explanations of the physics and biology and went from having a slew of chronic illnesses to healthy in under 3 weeks. She taught me to embody and remember wellness through my whole being. I am forever grateful for her.

I got my body back! My dozens of allergies are COMPLETELY GONE and my muscles and nerves repaired after YEARS of trauma. I no longer have to pay thousands of dollars a year for medications or doctors appointments. What she taught me has saved me over a million dollars for what would have been the rest of my life. I am now completely healthy and living a life I love.

She taught me how to access memories of wellness and hold them, how to remind my body that it is healed, and how to allow all parts of me to catch up to that. I can climb mountains now! I couldn’t do that before.

I have also had an EXPLOSION of creativity, thousands of art pieces and over a dozen books written since I worked with her years ago.”


Angel Padi

Transformational Coach

Rosemarie has the ability to cut through everything with ease! I Showed up with doubt, skepticism, very little understanding of manifestation, and steeped in my own limiting beliefs. She cut through these energetics so precisely, I barely felt the scalpel. I did however feel the changes her work made in my life and quickly! Rosemarie has a spirit of light and love, which is a complete joy to be around and learn from!

I feel confident in my ability to manifest uplevels in myself, my psychy, my intelligence, my spirituality, my self growth and self belief. Before I often felt powerless to my thoughts and the things I believed about myself

I’ve had significant changes mind, body, emotions, and spirit. I am carrying myself differently and speaking more confidently. The other day I found myself singing affirmations I was making up as I was singing them. This is truly unheard of for me and yet it made me so happy. I have a 100% understanding now that my thoughts are my manifesting. What I dwell on I create.

I thoroughly enjoyed simple manifestation and it exceeded my expectations greatly as I see now I had very little trust in the idea of manifesting before. I create now.


Taylor Wilson

Holistic Wellness Coach and Educator

Working with Rosemarie never seems like “work” as it is always playful, enjoyable, and easy.  Often times when I have felt indecisive or overwhelmed, just a few minutes with Rome supports me seeing clearly what is necessary for my greatest good, whether that be in my personal or professional life. She has guided me in connecting deeper with the energy of my little one - all starting while I was pregnant. She has also supported me with integrating grief of loss.

Her channeling is always simple, yet profound. After connecting with Rosemarie I am always reminded to let go, surrender to flow, trust my process, and admire the tapestry of life.

Margot Weis

Musician, Music Producer, and Coach.

“I have come to you with issues varying from lack of confidence to not being able to tune into the energetics of my vision of success.

I landed my highest paying client yet ($6k) after one conversation with you.

Additionally, working with you has transformed my ability to consistently tune into higher frequencies of grounding my big vision and take grounded inspired action.

I have learned the true power of using my words and mind to create positive outcomes and success. I now consistently use this approach to channel the highest outcome of success for myself and my clients.

You are an extremely clear channel for helping people manifest success.

Mary Giuliano

Professional Astrologer

I came to Rosemarie and completely changed my relationship with time. I had the story that I “never had enough time” and was always rushing through things. This was impeding my manifestations as I believed I didn’t have time for them. We resolved this in two weeks of implementing the protocol. Now I take my time, I’m more present, I’m always on time (I used to be late to everything!). There is no need to rush anymore.

Rosemarie is deeply embodied in the wisdom she shares. She frequently checks in with her inner Source to make sure she is expressing correctly what the client needs to hear and how they need to hear it. She channels wisdom that is intentionally tailored to each person. Working with Rosemarie is like having your own personal cheerleader in your back pocket that is always rooting you on and genuinely cares about the results you get. She is the best!



Musician, Singer-Songwriter, Performer

Working with Rome has given me the chance to be safely accompanied into the depths of my inner world and wisely guided by her to reach my fullest self. Her intuitive awareness and communication skills create an open, supportive and honest space- conducive for the necessary growth towards healing we are all aiming for. I’m grateful to have been able to experience her light.

I’ve learned how to let go of my inner judgment and turn towards softness through our sessions. I’ve learned to see all the parts of me as lovable and how to step into the freedom to choose my expression in each and every moment.

I learned how to tap into my past and future selves for guidance, and this valuable technique has helped me in my life to this day.


Farhan Ali

Humanitarian and Graphic Designer

I’ve noticed some profound changes in myself as a person. One of the biggest shifts is that I genuinely admire myself for everything I’m doing. I’ve also become much more aware of the positive energy I’m carrying it's not just something I feel within, but something I’m actively spreading to the people and spaces around me. I’ve really mastered emotional, physical, and spiritual changes. I feel more balanced and centered. Physically, I’m more in tune with my body, and spiritually, I’ve grown a lot in understanding my purpose and staying grounded in faith. These changes are empowering, and they’re shaping how I approach everything in my life now.

I use the embodiment exercises and meditation as a part of my daily routine, allowing me to stay grounded and aligned with my intentions. The meditations helped me center my thoughts and focus on the present, while the embodiment practices connected me more deeply with how I carry myself, both physically and energetically. These tools were invaluable in reinforcing what I learned during the program, and I’ve noticed how much calmer, more focused, and more intentional I’ve become as a result.

I received tremendous benefit from the energy work and guidance provided by Rosemarie.

Rose is truly an inspiring Guru who brings a unique blend of warmth and understanding to her work. She creates an environment that feels safe and welcoming, making it easy for attendees to share their dreams and struggles. I appreciate how she connects with each person on a personal level, genuinely taking the time to understand what we need. The energy she brings is contagious; her enthusiasm motivates us to believe in ourselves and our potential.


Sign-up to get the latest version of the Emotional Development Guide: Reparent Yourself and Live a Life You Love.
This will redirect you to the google doc. This is a living document, so I will be updating it as I go.

Includes 30 pages to guide you through recognizing where you get to develop more awareness and emotional skills. Some excerpts below.