You are Already Experiencing An Excess of Success. Manifesting Success.
Success is in your hands. In your heart, in your mind. You create how successful you are by the way you believe in yourself, advocate for yourself, and what you do for yourself.
Success is directly a matter of perspective. When you decide that everything is a success, you are correct. Yet another example of the “shifting perspectives” The Joy Channel Podcast is known to bring you ;)
Florence Scovel Shinn recounts a story in one of her books about a former pastor who says he now baptizes every single person and situation with the same name - “Success”
I adore this and have been using the affirmation “I baptize everything as a success” ever since this came into my awareness.
Decide everything is a success, and you are free. By practicing the rampant pronoia of recognizing everything in the Universe is conspiring for you, you receive the most avid wellness possible.
Remember, the word success means “what follows" - everything is succeeding what came before it. This is very evident in our lives and the thoughts we perpetuate. Spending 10 minutes a day tuning in to your desired frequency will skyrocket your success in no time (well, in 10 minutes a day for a short time)
Additionally, spend time determining what “success” means to you. What does you succeeding look like? Meditate on it, make a list, and embody the aspects of the successful you. What does successful you do? When does successful you wake up and go to sleep? Where does successful you live? How does successful you dress? Successful here can be interchangeable with your “favorite version” of you.
In episode “100: You are Experiencing An Excess of Success, Yes!” I guide us through some wonderful affirmations to anchor in our well-being and thrilling success. Here are some of the ones I used.
I am successful
I am a great success
I have already succeeded in all my dreams
I have succeeded in a tangible and recognizable way
I baptize everything as a success.
I am experiencing a succulent excess of success
I captivate people’s attention with my authenticity and authority
Everything is so much fun
Everything is so easy and perfect for me
i am the best
I am the best in my field
i am the creator of my reality
I determine what I perceive
i choose to know that everything is working out for me
Everything is perfect
Everything is the best it could possibly be
I am constantly being surprised and delighted